Is Google’s Transition to Gemini AI Truly a Game-Changing Move for Bard?

Is Google's Transition to Gemini AI Truly a Game-Changing Move for Bard?

Google recently renamed its chatbot Bard to Gemini, which now has the capability to generate images. Moreover, significant enhancements have been made to the tool since its initial release last year.

Amidst the buzz surrounding groundbreaking AI advancements, Google’s creation, Bard, garnered attention for different reasons. 

Its early performance left much to be desired, with users encountering difficulties ranging from inaccurate information to the chatbot’s inability to sustain coherent conversations without errors.

Gemini AI: Google’s Next-Generation Innovation

Google’s latest AI model promises enhanced reasoning, quicker planning, improved comprehension, and numerous other capabilities, potentially surpassing existing AI models. 

Nevertheless, Google’s chosen release strategy for Gemini appears unconventional. This marks the most significant upgrade from Google’s DeepMind team in more than a year.

Google has implemented significant enhancements to Bard, now renamed Gemini, after the powerful large language model (LLM) behind it, Gemini Pro. 

The Google Gemini AI available today surpasses its predecessor in various aspects: it engages in informative conversations comparable to ChatGPT, generates images, and seamlessly integrates with Google Workspace.

Google Gemini AI stands out as an invaluable AI chatbot, equipped with generative capabilities. It can produce text for a wide range of purposes, from crafting cover letters and completing assignments to generating computer code and Excel formulas. 

Additionally, it excels in providing answers to questions and delivering detailed translations. Like ChatGPT, Gemini leverages AI to offer human-like responses during interactions with users.

How to Use Gemini: A User’s Guide

Whether you’re a newcomer eager to explore its capabilities or a seasoned user looking to deepen your understanding, this guide will provide you with everything you need to navigate Gemini effectively. 

Let’s dive in and uncover the possibilities of this powerful conversational AI tool.

  1. Access the Google Gemini website and sign in

To begin utilizing Google’s chatbot, navigate to the Gemini homepage at  and proceed to sign in with your Google account credentials.

Gemini AI App Launch
Image Credit: Google Gemini 
  1. Explore the Gemini chat interface

Upon logging in, you’ll find yourself in the Google Gemini AI chat window. Designed with simplicity in mind, the interface is intuitive and user-friendly, akin to other widely-used AI chatbots.

Gemini App Launch
Image Credit: Gemini Google

Upon opening the Google Gemini AI window, you’ll encounter several features

  • Main menu: Located in the top-left corner, this menu icon allows you to toggle the visibility of the menu.
  • New chat: Positioned as the top option on the left-side menu, this feature clears the current conversation and initiates a new one.
  • Text area: Found at the bottom of the screen, you can input your questions or prompts here and send them by hitting enter or clicking Submit on the right.
  • Microphone: By clicking on the microphone icon within the text area, you can dictate your prompts to Gemini.
  • Upload image: Situated to the left of the text area, this option enables you to explore Google Lens integration with Gemini, allowing you to add images and inquire about them.
  • Conversation: The central area of the chat window displays your interaction with Gemini. Following the AI chatbot’s responses, you’ll have the ability to view alternative drafts for each response, provide feedback with a thumbs up or down, refresh for a new answer, select it, copy it to your clipboard, or report it.
  • Listen: By clicking on the speaker icon, you can opt to have Gemini’s response read aloud instead of reading it.
  • Edit: Adjacent to your prompt in the chat window, you’ll find an Edit button. This feature permits you to edit your prompt to receive a new answer, which can be particularly helpful if you realize the need for greater specificity without wanting to entirely rewrite your prompt.
  1. Begin interacting with Gemini

Now that you’re all set, it’s time to engage with Google’s Gemini chatbot. Simply type your question or prompt into the text area and send it off to the chatbot to receive its response, either in text or audio format.

Google Gemini AI
Image Credit: Gemini Google
  1. Generate Images with Gemini

You have the option to request Gemini to generate images, similar to what you can do with ChatGPT Plus and Microsoft Copilot (also known as Bing Chat). 

Just input your prompt for Gemini to produce the desired image directly within the chat window.

For instance, you could ask Gemini with the following prompt: “Create an image for Horn OK Food Festival in India to advertise the event.”

Google Gemini AI
Image Credit: Gemini Google
  1. Save Your Image or Request a New One

Once Gemini generates an image (or multiple), you have the option to download it, request a regeneration, or submit another prompt to create an alternative image.

Google Gemini AI
Image Credit: Gemini Google
Google Gemini AI
Image Credit: Gemini Google

You can tap on the ‘pen’ icon on the right side of the text and edit the prompt to regenerate a different image

Google has emphasized that Gemini is an experimental platform prone to errors. The company recently enhanced Gemini by deploying its latest-generation LLM, Gemini Pro, following its initial release with the LaMDA model and subsequent upgrade to PaLM 2. 

Additionally, significant improvements to user experience have been implemented through integrations with Gmail, Maps, Lens, and other services.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that like all AI chatbots, Gemini may occasionally provide inaccurate information, make mistakes, or exhibit unexpected behaviors.

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