Does Google Penalize AI Generated Content? Strategies for Top Rankings

Does Google Penalize AI Content? Strategies for Utilizing AI Generated Content for Top Rankings

In March 2024, a significant Google Core Algorithm Update rocked the digital landscape, reshaping the rules of content creation and SEO strategy. This update specifically targeted AI-generated content, signalling a paradigm shift in how artificial intelligence is utilized for online content creation.

While some may view this as a setback, it presents an opportunity for content creators to reassess their approach and harness the power of AI in a more strategic and impactful manner. 

The update will also focus on identifying and treating expired domains repurposed for clickbait content as spam. This targets websites that have potentially changed ownership and now publish low-quality content designed to attract clicks rather than provide genuine value to users.

Website owners have a two-month window to prepare for the update.  They are encouraged to review their content and make any necessary adjustments to ensure it meets Google’s evolving quality standards.

Why AI-Generated Content Struggles to Pass Google’s Quality Test?

Google is rolling out a search algorithm update in May with a clear objective to eliminate low-quality content from search results. This update directly addresses the recent explosion of AI-generated content specifically designed to climb Google’s search engine ranking results. 

The surge in such content is likely due to the increasing ease of use and accessibility of AI tools that can churn out content that appears optimized for search engines.

However, the Google Algorithm is not just focusing on AI-powered content. The update also aims to confront the individuals who publish low-quality content on websites with otherwise good reputations.

According to Google’s Product Management Director, Elizabeth Tucker, the core goal is to refine their ranking systems and differentiate truly helpful webpages from those solely designed to manipulate search algorithms. Ultimately, Google wants to minimize low-quality content in search results and direct traffic towards valuable and trustworthy websites.

Here’s a deeper dive into why AI-powered content often falls short:

The E- E-A-T Barrier

Google prioritizes content that demonstrates Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T). 

The inclusion of an additional “E” in E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), signalling “Experience,” should have served as a clear warning to content creators regarding the risks associated with relying solely on AI-generated content.

This is where AI struggles most. AI lacks the real-world experience and established reputation that human authors bring to the table.  

For instance, an AI-generated article on heart health might be factually accurate, but it can’t compete with content written by a cardiologist with years of experience and a proven track record. 

This lack of E-E-A-T can make AI-generated content seem impersonal, generic, and ultimately, less trustworthy in Google’s eyes.

Missing the User Intent Mark

Crafting content that resonates with users requires understanding the specific information they seek (search intent). 

AI can analyze vast amounts of data, but it can struggle to grasp the nuances of user queries. This can lead to content that addresses the wrong topic entirely, uses irrelevant keywords, or simply misses the point.  

When searching for “best hiking trails for beginners” and being presented with an in-depth guide to professional climbing gear, an AI-generated result will lack in user intent understanding.

Prioritizing Words Over Value

Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligence can be adept at optimizing content for specific keywords. However, this can lead to a dangerous trap – prioritizing keywords over genuine value for the reader. 

The result? Content that feels forced and unnatural, stuffed with keywords that disrupt the flow and fail to offer a comprehensive solution. 

Google is wise to this tactic and prioritizes content that addresses a user’s intent and offers a well-rounded solution, not just a keyword-stuffed mess.

Struggle with Originality and Nuance

While AI is adept at handling large datasets, it sometimes struggles with originality and nuances of language. This can result in content that feels unoriginal, lacking in unique perspectives or new insights. Furthermore, AI may find it challenging to grasp humor, cultural references, or specific writing styles. Consequently, the content it generates may come across as generic or inadvertently insensitive, failing to resonate deeply with the audience.

The Lack of Personalization

Tailoring content for different audiences is crucial to maintain authenticity and originality. While AI can assist with personalization efforts by analyzing user data, it might not fully grasp the specific needs and interests of the users in the social media platforms. 

This can lead to content that feels generic and fails to resonate with specific demographics. The need for a human touch while making content is important to personalize content effectively, ensuring it speaks directly to the target audience. Only a real person with experience and authorship can actually deliver to the users need.

How Does Google Detect AI-Generated Content?

Google cracks down on AI content that prioritizes manipulating search rankings over providing genuine value to users. Here’s a breakdown of what Google considers AI spam:

1. Focus on Manipulation

Content Mills: Google frowns upon using AI to churn out vast quantities of low-quality content solely designed to trick search algorithms. This includes automatically generated articles with little to no human oversight or editing.

Keyword Stuffing: AI shouldn’t be used to unnaturally inflate content with keywords for ranking purposes. Google’s sophisticated algorithms can detect such practices.

2. Clickbaits

Clickbait Headlines: AI-generated headlines that are misleading or irrelevant to the content itself fall under spammy practices.

Thin Content: Content that lacks depth, information, or originality and is primarily generated by AI will be flagged.

3. Lack of User Experience:

Unreadable Content: AI-generated, grammatically incorrect, nonsensical, or poorly written content creates a bad user experience and is considered spam. Google encourages the use of GenAI to assist in content creation, not replace human expertise and quality control.

Detecting AI-generated content is a process of weighing various factors. If you suspect a piece of content might be AI-written, don’t rely solely on one method. Use a combination of these techniques, and consider the overall quality and message of the content to make an informed judgment.

How to Make AI-Generated Content Work for SEO?

While the March 2024 update might seem to penalize content generated by automated tools, it’s more about prioritizing high-quality, user-centric content. Automated content creation can still be a valuable tool in your SEO strategy, but it needs to be used strategically. Here’s how to make it work for SEO:

1. Focus on Human Experience and E-A-T

We can supplement AI but we cannot aim to replace human involvement.  Automated tools can’t replicate human experience and established reputation. Use them to assist human writers who can ensure content aligns with Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) principles.

Content creators need to humanize their content by infusing content generated by AI with the brand’s unique voice, insights, and experiences. Additionally, we can add anecdotes, case studies, or expert opinions to build trust and credibility mixed with the AI-generated content. 

2. Address User Intent, Not Just Keywords

It is important to understand the user’s needs. Even though these social media automated tools can help you analyze the search queries, but only a human understanding can make it crucial. Look beyond keywords and identify the underlying information users seek. Craft content that addresses those needs comprehensively.

We write for humans and not for the bots online. Our focus should be on creating valuable, informative content that engages readers. Don’t prioritize keyword stuffing over reader experience.

3. Leverage AI’s Strengths for Content Optimization

Break Through Writer’s Block and use AI to brainstorm new content ideas, explore trending topics, and identify potential content gaps.

Don’t just post anything without an ample amount of research and fact-checking. The tools can gather data, compile statistics, and unearth relevant sources to support your content claims. This saves time and ensures factual accuracy.

Creators should first make content outlines and structure. After that, we can take the help of AI to identify top-performing content and identify common structures. This will in return help create logical outlines for your content generated by AI and won’t make it look bland and boring.

4. Post-Generation Refinement

The content generated by AI can still contain factual errors or inconsistencies. Always make sure to double-check facts, ensure accuracy, and edit for clarity and flow of the information.

And lastly, it is very important to optimize your content for SEO. Integrate relevant keywords naturally, optimize title tags and meta descriptions, and format content for readability. 

More Tips

Google also rewards content which is fresh and portrays the user’s perspectives, in return aiding to the brand insights. While AI can help gather information, human writers are crucial for crafting original content.

Automated tools can’t replicate humor, cultural references, or storytelling techniques that resonate with audiences. Human writers bring personality and emotional connection to content.

Will AI Replace Human Copywriters?

The rise of AI copywriting tools like ChatGPT, Google Gemini and Jasper has sparked a debate – can AI replace human copywriters? While AI offers undeniable benefits, there’s a crucial element missing: the human touch. 

Copywriting is more than stringing words together believe me! A copywriter spend hours in front of the screen coming up with the quirkiest one-liners that make an impression. Afterall it is all about forging connections with your audience. This is achieved through content that is not just informative, but also emotionally engaging.  And sadly AI currently struggles to capture this human element. We however can take the help of AI with our original designs and come up with interesting content. Let’s learn how:

1. Write Tailored Content for Real Audiences

Human copywriters bring content to life. They understand the power of storytelling, humor, and emotional appeals. They can analyze a brand’s personality and tailor content that resonates with its target audience.  

Let’s understand the difference in a blog content where there is a generic, AI-generated piece talking about facts, and a content crafted by an experienced SEO writer who understands the brand’s voice, structures the piece for optimal flow, and communicates empathetically. The later takes the prize! People don’t just like to read content that is factual but it should also make them want to stay on the page.

2. Be Sure To Make Information Applicable

We know that AI can also write factual content based on the data provided, but human copywriters excel at making that information relevant and applicable to its audience. 

They can analyze the context, understand user intent, and tailor content to address specific needs and pain points. However, to make the information more applicable, an AI copywriter might list features of a product, but a human writer can explain how those features solve the user’s problems and improve their lives.

3. Build Trust for Conversions

Human copywriters can craft persuasive content that not only informs but also compels action. They understand the power of emotional triggers and can use them ethically to guide readers towards a desired outcome.  

While AI tools are able to generate a number of call to actions based on prompts, but still it lacks the human touch that fosters trust and motivates conversion.

4. Make Way for Collaboration

Even though AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a replacement for human expertise. The future of copywriting lies in collaboration. AI can handle tasks like research and content generation, freeing up human writers to focus on creative aspects like emotional storytelling and persuasive messaging.

How Does AI Content Rank Despite Being Considered Spam?

You’re right, spam shouldn’t rank at all. However, there are several reasons why AI-generated spam content might still appear in search results.

Google’s algorithms are continually updated to detect and remove spam. Still, AI spam creators also evolve their tactics, making it an ongoing challenge for Google to stay ahead.

Some AI-generated content is sophisticated, closely resembling legitimate content. This similarity makes it harder for Google to differentiate between the two, especially in the early stages of a spam campaign. Spammers can produce vast amounts of AI-generated content rapidly, overwhelming Google’s ability to identify and remove it instantly.

Google relies on user reports to identify and remove spam content. If users do not flag the content, it might take longer for Google to detect it through other means.

The good news is that Google is continuously improving its spam detection techniques. Recent updates, like those rolled out in March 2024, specifically target tactics used by AI spammers, such as scaled content abuse and site reputation abuse.

While AI spam might temporarily slip through the cracks, it is likely to be flagged and removed eventually thanks to Google’s ongoing efforts to combat it.


AI can work like your skilled assistant who takes your rough notes and transforms them into a compelling presentation. That’s the power of AI in content creation. It works as a ghost writer for you and it excels at refining existing content, but not replacing human expertise. 

The true magic lies in the human touch. Humans bring the essential ingredients that AI can’t replicate: experience, subject matter expertise, and the ability to source reliable information.

The Google algorithm update, which penalised websites with low-quality AI-generated content, underscores the importance of using AI strategically. Therefore instead of relying solely on AI to take out content, think of it as a powerful tool to empower the human content creators.

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