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About the Client

Founded in 2011, Bayzat is a technology company that provides insurance and HR solutions. They help individuals and companies compare, buy and use health insurance products in Dubai. The company has recently started with Bayzat Benefits - the best HR automation tools for start-ups. Bayzat Benefits automates administrative work for HR professionals and ensures that all HR processes are centralized, accessible and secure.


The primary objective of this PPC campaign for Bayzat was to increase the visibility and online presence of their HR and insurance services within the UAE market. The aim was to drive qualified traffic to the website, increase leads, and ultimately boost conversions for their core offerings.



Thank you for your AdWord management services. I think that your organization is well focused on its Google AdWords management, which makes DigiXL Media a great choice for any business like ours that requires detailed, highly specialized day-to-day AdWords management. Keep up the great work.

– Founder (Talal Baya & Brian Habibi)


The objectives of the analytics implementation were to manage the PPC campaigns more effectively and to increase the ROI.

Using the Google Analytic, We audited the paid keywords, ads and landing pages to identify opportunities to improve the campaigns. Based on the campaign audit it:

  • Broad match keywords, which brought in too much unwanted traffic.
  • Negative keywords were missing.
  • Keywords & Ads with very low quality Score.
  • Call to action buttons were poorly designed.
  • Remarketing Campaign was not set.


  • Identified new keywords and keyword patterns and added them to the existing PPC campaigns, driving more qualified traffic and increasing sales.
  • Added a significant number of negative keywords at campaigns and ad groups levels, thus reducing unqualified traffic and costs.
  • Used the Top Landing Page report to identify the worst performing destination URLs (highest bounce rate from AdWords traffic), and the keywords that were used to drive paid traffic to those pages. Either the keywords were paused or landing page recommendations were provided to improve the PPC campaign performance.

End Result

  • We addressed the PPC challenges faced by Bayzat an extremely competitive market with competitors’ bids increasing from month to month and a target market extremely sensitive to pricing.
  • Google Analytics was used to provide granular information on the Return on Investment (ROI) of the conversion-generating keywords.
  • Product ad groups were optimized and existing keyword inventory was expanded based on newly discovered themes and broken down in to smaller ad groups.
  • Ads relevant to keywords within each ad group were created and tested. These steps led to increase of the Quality Score of the keywords.
  • Based on the purchase goal completion data, We recommended that the Bayzat focus more on long tail keywords & product based keywords , as they had higher repeat sales and customer return rates.
  • We provided recommendations to improve the landing pages and increase the ecommerce conversion rate.
  • At the end of the process, the cost per acquisition decreased by 21% and the conversion rate increased by 35%.

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