Mastering Instagram Advertising: A 13-Step Guide for Boosting Your Brand

Mastering Instagram Advertising: A 13-Step Guide for Boosting Your Brand

In an age dominated by visuals and storytelling, Instagram has emerged as a powerful platform that offers a unique opportunity for brands to engage with their audience on a deeply personal level. 

With over one billion monthly active users, Instagram Advertising has become a pivotal player in digital marketing, making it a playground for advertisers to showcase their products and services to a diverse and ever-growing global audience. 

Yet, the sheer volume of content on the platform, coupled with the intricacies of Instagram’s advertising tools, can be daunting for even the most seasoned marketers.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be armed with the expertise to craft visually stunning, high-impact ads that resonate with your target demographic and drive tangible results for your brand. 

It’s time to take your Instagram advertising game to the next level and elevate your brand’s presence in the digital realm.

Table of Contents

What are Instagram Ads?

Instagram ads are promotional posts that businesses can invest in to reach particular audience segments on the Instagram platform. 

These advertisements seamlessly blend into users’ feeds, Stories, and explore pages, mimicking the organic content presented by other Instagram accounts.

These Instagram ads encompass a variety of media types, including images, videos, carousels featuring multiple images, or dynamic product galleries known as collections.

  1. Sponsored Content: Instagram Ads involve promoting content, such as photos, videos, carousel posts, or stories, to a larger audience beyond your organic followers. These promoted posts look and feel like regular Instagram content, but they are labelled as “Sponsored” to indicate that they are paid advertisements.
  2. Ad Formats: Instagram offers various ad formats to suit different marketing objectives. These formats include photo ads, video ads, carousel ads (a series of swipeable images or videos), and story ads (full-screen, vertical ads in the Stories feature).
  3. Targeting Options: Instagram Ads provide robust targeting options. Advertisers can define their target audience based on factors like demographics, interests, behaviours, location, and more. This allows for highly specific and personalized ad campaigns.
  4. Call-to-Action (CTA): Instagram Ads typically include a CTA button, encouraging users to take specific actions. Common CTAs include “Learn More,” “Shop Now,” “Sign Up,” “Download,” and “Contact Us.” The CTA can direct users to a website, app, or landing page.
  5. Budget and Bidding: Advertisers can set their budget for Instagram Ads. They can choose between daily or lifetime budgets and select their bidding strategies, such as cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-impression (CPM), or cost-per-engagement (CPE). This flexibility allows businesses to control their ad spend.
  6. Ad Placement: Instagram Ads can appear in different placements, including users’ feeds, Stories, the Explore section, and Instagram’s shopping feature. Advertisers can choose where they want their ads to be displayed to reach their target audience effectively.

How Much Does Instagram Advertising Costs?

Instagram advertising is a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase their online presence and connect with a vast and engaged audience. 

However, one of the most common questions marketers have is, “How much does Instagram advertising cost?” The answer is not a simple one, as advertising on Instagram costs can vary widely depending on several factors. 

In this article, we’ll explore the key elements that impact the cost of advertising on Instagram and provide insights into how you can manage your budget effectively.

To begin with, Instagram advertising costs typically range from $0.01 to $3.50, depending on the selected bidding method.

Instagram advertising expenses can be categorized into three primary segments: Cost per click (CPC), Cost per engagement (CPE), and Cost per thousand impressions (CPM).

instagram advertising - cpc, cpe, cpm
Image Credit: rankontechnologies
global instagram advertising cost
Image Credit: wordstream

Factors That Influence Instagram Advertising Costs

Ad Objective 

Instagram offers various advertising objectives, such as brand awareness, reach, engagement, website clicks, and conversions. The cost of your ad campaign can vary based on the objective you choose. Generally, objectives with higher levels of user interaction, like conversions, tend to cost more.

Ad Placement

Instagram allows you to choose where your ads appear, whether in users’ feeds, stories, or on the Explore page. Ad placement affects the cost, with stories typically being less expensive than in-feed ads. Explore ads, on the other hand, may have different pricing models.

Ad Format

Instagram offers a variety of ad formats, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more. The format you select will influence your ad costs, with video and carousel ads often being more expensive than single photo ads.

Target Audience

The size and specificity of your target audience impact costs. A broader audience may be less expensive to reach, while a highly targeted audience can be more costly. Your bid strategy also plays a role; manual bids can give you more control but may require a higher budget.

Ad Schedule

Running ads during peak hours or specific days can affect costs. Instagram’s ad auction system determines the final cost, and competition for ad placement can drive prices up during popular times.

Ad Quality 

Instagram rewards high-quality, engaging ads with lower costs. Relevance and engagement with your audience can help improve your ad’s performance and reduce costs over time.

Industry and Competition 

Different industries have varying levels of competition on Instagram. Highly competitive industries may require larger budgets to make an impact.

Is Investing in Instagram Advertising a Sensible Choice?

Absolutely, it makes sense to spend while advertising on Instagram, and here’s why:

Large and Engaged User Base 

Instagram boasts over one billion monthly active users, making it a vast and highly engaged platform. This means you have the opportunity to reach a wide and diverse audience, from various demographics and regions.

Visual Appeal 

Instagram is all about visuals. It’s a platform designed for eye-catching images and videos. This visual appeal is particularly beneficial for businesses with products or services that can be showcased effectively through images and videos.

Targeted Advertising

Instagram provides robust targeting options. You can define your audience based on factors like demographics, interests, behavior, and more. This precision allows you to put your content in front of the people who are most likely to be interested in your brand.

Varied Ad Formats

Instagram offers a range of ad formats, from photo and video ads to stories and carousel ads. This versatility enables you to choose the format that aligns best with your marketing goals.

Integration with Facebook 

Instagram is owned by Facebook, and the two platforms offer seamless advertising integration. This means you can run your ads on both platforms simultaneously, maximizing your reach and potential impact.

Trackable Results

Instagram provides detailed insights and analytics for your advertising campaigns. You can track key metrics, such as reach, engagement, website clicks, and conversions. This data helps you measure the effectiveness of your ad campaigns and make informed decisions.

Growing eCommerce Opportunities

With features like Instagram Shopping, businesses can directly tag and sell products through the platform. This simplifies the path from discovery to purchase for users, making it valuable for e-commerce businesses.

Influence of Social Proof

Instagram’s visual nature and emphasis on user-generated content create a sense of authenticity. People are more likely to engage with content that has social proof (likes, comments, shares), making it an excellent platform for building trust and brand credibility.

Competitive Advantage

Many businesses have recognized the potential of Instagram advertising, and it’s becoming increasingly competitive. By investing in Instagram advertising, you can gain a competitive edge and establish a stronger digital presence.

In conclusion, spending on Instagram advertising makes sense because it offers a well-rounded platform to reach a broad yet highly targeted audience. 

It leverages the power of visuals, integrates seamlessly with Facebook, and provides data-driven insights to refine your marketing strategy. 

If your target audience is on Instagram, and you have engaging and visually appealing content, it’s a wise investment to boost your brand’s visibility and drive meaningful results.

How to Advertise Effectively on Instagram 

Setting up your Instagram ads account is a crucial step in running successful advertising campaigns on the platform. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up your Instagram ads account:

1. Connect Your Instagram Account to Facebook:

To run ads on Instagram, you need to connect your Instagram account to your Facebook Page. This can be done in several ways:

Here are the steps to access “Accounts Center” on Instagram:

Meta Accounts Center - Instagram Advertising
Image Credit: Hubspot Blog
  • Launch the Instagram application.
  • Tap your profile picture located in the lower right-hand corner.
  • Access the menu in the upper right-hand corner by tapping the three horizontal lines, often referred to as the “hamburger menu.”
  • Select “Settings” from the menu.
  • Locate and tap on “Accounts Center” under the Meta logo.

2. Access Facebook Ads Manager:

To set up Instagram ads, you’ll primarily use Facebook Ads Manager. Access it by going to and logging in with your Facebook credentials.

3. Create a Facebook Ads Account:

If you haven’t already, create a Facebook Ads account by clicking on “Ads Manager” and following the prompts.

Facebook Ads Manager
Image Credit: Megalytic

4. Define Your Advertising Objective:

Once inside Facebook Ads Manager, click “Create” to begin setting up your ad campaign. You’ll be prompted to choose an advertising objective. Select the one that aligns with your goals, whether it’s brand awareness, website traffic, conversions, etc.

Following the selection of your ad objective, it’s essential to assign a name to your campaign. 

This is a crucial step in maintaining organized oversight of your advertisements within the ads manager. Additionally, you can identify and designate any applicable special categories and provide specific campaign details during this phase.

Advertising Objective
Image Credit: Hubspot Blog

5. Choose Your Target Audience:

In the ad set creation stage, you’ll define your target audience. You can specify demographics, interests, behaviors, location, and more. The Audience Insights tool can help you narrow down your ideal audience.

custom target audience - facebook, instagram
Image Credit: Social Media Examiner

6. Set Your Budget and Schedule:

Determine your ad budget, whether it’s a daily or lifetime budget. You can also choose the start and end dates for your campaign.

instagram advertising budget and schedule
Image Credit: Sprout Social

7. Select Ad Placements:

Instagram ads are part of the Facebook ad ecosystem, so you can choose where you want your ads to appear. Select “Edit Placements” and choose Instagram to ensure your ads show up there.

ad placements
Image Credit: Sproutsocial

8. Create Your Ad Creative:

This is where you design your ad content. You can choose from different ad formats, including image, video, carousel, and stories. Create engaging visuals and compelling ad copy. Preview how your ad will appear on Instagram.

Advertisement Creative
Image Credit: Social Media Examiner

9. Add a Call-to-Action (CTA):

Include a CTA button that directs users to take a specific action, like “Learn More,” “Shop Now,” or “Sign Up.” This helps drive user engagement.

10. Review and Publish:

Before launching your campaign, review all your settings, including your budget, schedule, and ad creative. Make sure everything is set up correctly.

11. Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with influencers can expand your reach. Identify influencers in your niche and collaborate with them to showcase your product or service. 

A prime example is Daniel Wellington, a watch brand that successfully collaborated with influencers.

12: Run Contests and Giveaways

Engage your audience by running contests or giveaways. Encourage users to participate by tagging friends or using a specific hashtag. 

For instance, Starbucks frequently runs giveaways to promote its seasonal offerings.

Starbucks Giveaways on Instagram
Image Credit: Starbucks Instagram

13: Analyze and Learn

After your campaign concludes, analyze the data. Identify what worked and what didn’t. Adjust your strategy for future campaigns based on these insights.

insights on Instagram
Image Credit: Social Media Examiner

By following these 13 steps, you’ll be well on your way to successfully boosting your brand through advertising on instagram

Remember that Instagram is a dynamic platform, so stay adaptable and consistently create content that resonates with your audience.

For the latest updates and insights on social media advertising, be sure to check out DigiXl’s blog.

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